
These are some things about me.

Personal qualities

Some characteristics of mine

⭐ Connecting
⭐ Solution-oriented
⭐ Independent
⭐ Efficient
⭐ Creative
⭐ Visual thinker
⭐ Modest

Things I can do

Specific skills learned on the job

💪🏾 Designing visuals and graphics for the web using popular creative software's
💪🏾 Visualize ideas and concepts using wireframes and prototypes
💪🏾 Creating value out of messes by organizing
💪🏾 Prepare and facilitate workshops and meetings
💪🏾 Ideate to come up with new solutions and possibilities
💪🏾 Transform analog processes into digital ones
💪🏾 Create images to boost sales

Things I achieved

And am proud of

🏅 Getting a HAVO degree
🏅 Graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree
🏅 Succeeding in all my Maser courses
🏅 Being a house owner
🏅 Being more self reflective

Things I want more of

These are things I'm capable of and am eager to learn more about

📈 Designing for different types of screens
📈 Transform analog processes into digital ones
📈 Managing a product backlog
📈 Designing supreme User Experiences for boring stuff
📈 Designing supreme User Experiences for fun stuff

Random things I want to learn

Skills I'm interested in to learn about and spend my free time on

🎲 3D modelling
🎲 Animation
🎲 Interior design
🎲 Wood working
🎲 Gardening
🎲 DJ-ing

Things that spark joy

These make me happy

🌈 Wine
🌈 Dogs
🌈 Solving problems and eureka moments
🌈 Theater
🌈 A nice outfit
🌈 Noise canceling headphones
🌈 Lists
🌈 Good food
🌈 Thriving plants

I have plenty more to tell!

Give me a call and ask me about

📞 Brands I worked for
📞 Mobile first design
📞 Design systems
📞 My dog
📞 Different types of people I worked with